**Guidelines:** Zapier・⭐️ Google・⭐️ Culture AmpSurvey MonkeySurvey Gizmo

**Employee Engagement: Leapsome**・ Culture Amp・⭐️ Lattice・⭐️ Know Your TeamSlack・⭐️ QualtricsOfficevibeHR Survey

**Interviews and Candidate Experience:** Google・⭐️ Workable

**Onboarding:** Workable・⭐️ BambooHR

Customer Satisfaction: ⭐️ HotjarSurvey Monkey

**COVID-19:** ⭐️ Survey MonkeySHRMCulture Amp

**Other:** Google Manager FeedbackHR Audit Survey

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Survey Guidelines


This 226-page guide would be overwhelming if it lacked its excellent structure. In fact, navigating it is a breeze. You'll learn how to build the forms, how to ask questions and how to design and analyze a survey.

The killer feature of the guide is super-detail tool comparison, featuring and analyzing about 50 apps you can use to master the knowledge of your people ****

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/5636c44e-368a-404e-80fd-a8666db512dd/zapier-logomark.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/5636c44e-368a-404e-80fd-a8666db512dd/zapier-logomark.png" width="40px" /> The Ultimate Guide to Forms and Surveys (+cheat sheets!)


Submitted by Better Wiki team on May 8, 2020


⭐️ Editor's choice

One guide to rule them all. Especially useful for someone new to surveying, but even seasoned veterans will find useful pieces of advice there. “A good survey is a lot of work; a bad survey isn't worth doing.” – Googler mantra

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/4459ab0a-f663-4a59-8662-393dd1546da1/Google_Logo_Medium-512.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/4459ab0a-f663-4a59-8662-393dd1546da1/Google_Logo_Medium-512.png" width="40px" /> re:Work Guide: Run an employee survey
