⭐️ Editor's choice: Robert Stuttaford, CognicianOren Ellenbogen, ForterAdam Ochonicki, ArticulateMaggie Gourlay, VictorOpsJay Desai, PatientPingTom Sommer, RedbubbleLuc Levesque, FacebookRoy Rapoport, Slack&NetflixMichael Lopp, Slack

Directory: Steph Smith, HubspotKsindi, JW PlayerRobert Stuttaford, CognicianOren Ellenbogen, ForterMike Kleiman, BiblioCommonsScott Burns, StratasanZoe Gould, DWPAdam Ochonicki, ArticulateMaggie Gourlay, VictorOpsJay Desai, PatientPingJohn Cline, Blue ApronDaniel Richnak, WootMatt Newkirk, EtsyMolly White, HubspotRichard McLean, ElsevierAaron Lerch, InVisionDave Igoe, AOTom Sommer, RedbubbleLuc Levesque, FacebookRoy Rapoport, Slack&NetflixMichael Lopp, SlackBen Morris, ShopifyGergely Nemeth, GodaddyMindaugas Mozūras, Vinted

Add new Manager's Readme

Steph Smith, Director of Marketing at HubSpot

Short and structured user manual! Check the questions at the end of the presentation to build your User Manual!

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/7042a04c-5928-442f-a593-570a2c63c890/hubspotlogo.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/7042a04c-5928-442f-a593-570a2c63c890/hubspotlogo.png" width="40px" /> Personal User Manual, Steph Smith


Screenshot 2021-11-06 at 08.31.21.png

Submitted by Better Wiki team on Nov 6, 2021

Ksindi, CTO at JW Player

This is not a particular manager's readme, instead, it's a readme for all the managers.

A remarkably comprehensive and easy to digest guide on how to be a better manager.

What's inside: simple checklists for 1-on-1s, feedback, onboarding and communicating (our favorite) and many more.

What's (thankfully) not: long reflections on manager's mission etc.

And oh by the way, it's certainly NOT just for the rookies. Experienced managers will certainly enjoy the guide for hiring senior engineers, and appreciate reminders like “avoid shitty brainstorm sessions by encouraging proposals written before having a meeting”.

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/edd8711b-2c67-498c-9688-d84ff95b8a1f/github-153-675523.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/edd8711b-2c67-498c-9688-d84ff95b8a1f/github-153-675523.png" width="40px" /> Manager's Playbook


Submitted by Better Wiki team on July 7, 2020