Good items used as source

Help Your Team Manage Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout

Burnout Self-Test: Are You at Risk?

Diversify Your Identity

Recovering from Burnout

Practical Frameworks for Beating Burnout

From Rats in Cages to Primates in Paradise - The Scientific Story of Stress in Society

Interesting related reads

Tijd voor de pauzeknop

Strategieën tegen stress

Go with the Flow

Help Your Team Achieve Work-Life Balance - Even When You Can't

The Science Of Success

Can't Get No Satisfaction

How I Reduced Stress, Increased Productivity, and Made Myself Happy Again

How to avoid startup stress & founder burnout - The Startup - Medium

(2/5) Hoe word je een minder gestreste werknemer?

Trickle-down workaholism in startups - Signal v. Noise

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